Sunday, January 27, 2008

'OM' s for the pour-PRASNA UPANISHAD

'The three sounds not in union lead again to life that dies; but the wise who merge them into a harmony of union outer, inner, and middle actions becomes steady: he trembles no more'

What are the actions of AUM?
the first action - or outer -Ah
the second - or inner -Uh
the last - or middle -M

Now we may consider that there is pervading the whole universe a single homogeneous resonance, sound, or tone, which acts, so to speak, as the awakener, or vivifying power, stirring all the molecules into action. This is what is represented in all languages by the vowel a, which takes precedence of all others. This is the word, the verbum, the Logos of St. John of the Christians, who says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God." This is creation, for without this resonance or motion among the quiescent particles, there would be no visible universe. That is to say, upon sound, or as the Aryans called it, Nada Brahma (divine resonance), depends the evolution of the visible from the invisible.


Be seated, thou, unfettered, free,
The heart's attention poised as third of three.
Now still the mind, nor claim the unceasing flow;
He holds the boundless heaven in fee
Who learns the uttermost command - Let go.
Now seal with cold resolve the doors of sense.
Be still, my son, and seek thine Immanence.

I am not body. I am never ill,
Nor restless, weary, fretful, nor in pain.
I am not hot emotion, nor the will
Which forfeits progress in the name of gain.
I am not thought, the process of the mind
On caging partial truth intent,
Unknowing, for its eyes are blind,
The wings of life beat ever unconfined.
I am not any instrument. I am.

I am the light that slays the night at dawning.
I am the love that woos its own reward.
I am the slow resolve that wakes at morning,
And sleeps at twilight on a sheathed sword.
I am the fullness in the wealth of giving.
I am the void within the orb of fame.
I am the death that dies within the living.
I am the namelessness that bears the Name.
I am the golden joy of beauty.
I am the stillness underlying sound.
I am the voice of undistinguished duty.
I am the Self in which the self is drowned.
• Christmas Humphreys (Studies in the Middle Way)

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